Woman to Woman

Stop believing that every man loves you simply because he says he does.
When it's convenient for him, he acts like he does.

Stop believing you can change him......You can't. He has to change and want to change.

Stop thinking that because you caught him in a major big lie and he cried and told you how much he loves you that he wont do it again, because he will.

Stop trying to catch your man cheating when you know when you do catch him, you're not going to leave anyway. So what's the point in knowing? At least ignorance is truly bliss.

Stop lying to your gitls about how wonderful he his. We know already he ain't nothing. More than likely he's allready tried it with one of them, but for your sake we kept quiet. If he is wonderful we will see even if you never say a word,

Stop lying to yourself about how wonderful he is.

Stop believing he is going to leave his wife for you. She's the wife for a reason and you're the other woman for a reason.

Stop thinking that he's going to make you his wife. So what you've been with him 2, 3, 4 or more years. Once he's done with you he will take the next woman that he's dating and make her his wife in 6 months to a year, while you've wasted how many years trying to get wifey status?
While your doing so much for him trying to please him, he's doing all the things you wish he would do to another.

Everytime you take him back afetr you've caught him lying or cheating, he looses more respect for you. Get caught lying or cheating once and see how quick he leaves you without even considering taking you back.

Stop thinking because he has money he's going to spend it on you. Get your own money then it wont matter if he does or doesn't.

Stop thinking you're the main woman when if you really looked at all the signs and signals you would realise you're the other woman.

Stop introducing every joker to your kids. Even your kids will stop respecting you eventually.

Stop giving more of yourself to a man than he's willing to give to you.

And stop believing his lies of being hurt before so now he's afraid to trust again.

Men will not respect us if we don't respect ourselves. They will use us up.
They will tell us what we need to hear and feed on every insecurity and low self asteem issue we've ever had, just to get what they want when they want it.

Those are not the women they make their wives. Those are not the women they respect.