The Rogue - Mr Big - Unattainable
So, getting back to me and him.
After the first date, it was going wonderfully and we were getting on great, and I’m sure had I not made some bad relationship moves then we would never have turned into what we did. But, I did. After a couple of months of sex I decided I wanted more from this, and that I was going to get it. I started harassing the poor guy, I mean texting him all day everyday, with no replies. It was as if my mind took over and told me to do this even though I know I should have stopped at my 'good morning' text. I say he never replied, well he did, in his own time, when he was good and ready, which generally meant he wanted to get his end away.
Yes ladies, I would drop everything, including my friends, to go over for what I knew was just sex. I started thinking about how to leave some of my 'girlie' belongings in his flat, just in case he had any other ladies over, and I started stalking his facebook (damn facebook).
I’m cringing just writing about this, physically cringing.