Wednesday 22 June 2011

Just a quick hello from my fav actress

Thought I should bring a smile to your face with a beautiful image along with a wonderful quote from the amazing HEPBURN!

"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."

If only women were still this glamorous and still required men to COURT them. Hopefully we revert back to this generation!!!!!

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Today I am smiling, I feel liberated. I have finally come to realise that you shouldn’t change for anybody.

That even if you think you love somebody, and that they MIGHT love you back if you act a certain way or look a certain way, well it’s just never gonna happen.

If you are like me and coming out of a seriously shit situation with a guy, well you shouldn’t question what YOU did in the relationship, no, instead understand that if it hasn’t worked out then it hasn’t worked out.

Analysing any situation will drive you crazy, analyzing every inch of the time you spent together will make you go mad, literally. And, please, please do not start sending irrational, nasty drunken texts. If he isn’t replying to your sober texts, then what makes you think he is going to reply to ‘I’M JUST TEXTING TO CALL YOU A CU*T AND I NEVER WANNA HEAR FROM YOU AGAIN’ we are the ones who end up looking silly, and give him all the more reason to think your not worth it.

We’ve all been there, we all sit and do a SATC marathon after a break up, but the best way to get over someone is to feel good about who you are.

‘A woman who changes her hair, is about to change her life’ so go get a haircut, get your girlfriends, treat yourself to some new clothes and put HIM to the back of your mind.

If he didn’t make the cut then he wasn’t worth it to start with. You need to respect yourself, otherwise nobody will respect you.

Someone asked me today ‘Do you respect yourself?’ as far as I was concerned I did, until he asked me ‘How?’

Ask yourself this, How do you respect yourself? Can you answer it? I can’t, not a this particular moment, how can I respect myself when i'm begging after a loser, how can I respect myself when I still act in the way I think he wants me too? How can I expect to be respected when I send late night texts behaving like a child? No, if you want the respect you need to grab the bull by the horns, and start thinking about yourself not other peoples views of you.

Stay tuned!