Wednesday 20 April 2011

The Rogue part 2

The Rogue - Mr Big - Unattainable

Good morning birdies, and welcome back to part two of The Rogue. If you are just joining us, then you can go and google the definition of Rogue to get an idea on what we are talking about.

So, getting back to me and him.
After the first date, it was going wonderfully and we were getting on great, and I’m sure had I not made some bad relationship moves then we would never have turned into what we did. But, I did. After a couple of months of sex I decided I wanted more from this, and that I was going to get it. I started harassing the poor guy, I mean texting him all day everyday, with no replies. It was as if my mind took over and told me to do this even though I know I should have stopped at my 'good morning' text. I say he never replied, well he did, in his own time, when he was good and ready, which generally meant he wanted to get his end away.

Yes ladies, I would drop everything, including my friends, to go over for what I knew was just sex. I started thinking about how to leave some of my 'girlie' belongings in his flat, just in case he had any other ladies over, and I started stalking his facebook (damn facebook).

I’m cringing just writing about this, physically cringing.

Before I carry on, I think I will give you a little more information on The Rogue, he is a thirty year old LOSER, his job allows him to be inconsistent and he is out of the country for numerous months of the year (which evidently gives him every excuse under the sun). He is a beauty, in my eyes anyway, though most of my friends wouldn’t agree, but in the eyes of the beholder and all that. I also have to note, that although I am talking in past tense, I am still very much in lust with him , and still jump to his commands and hang on to his every word.

So, thanks to a little fatal attraction we have the making of a usualy confident, independent woman, going to ruins over one man, an unattainable man, a ROGUE!

Stayed tuned, Au Reviour!

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